Kids Archive

Travel to Haiti

This is a much-overdue post about my family’s visit to Haiti earlier this year. I can’t believe it’s taken this long (five months!) to share it here on Red Shutters. In February, my husband and I took our kids, five-year-old G and seven-year-old R, ...Read More

100 Days of School

100 days. Somewhere, in the midst of all these snow days, we passed the 100th day of school (how come it’s felt much longer than that?). I had no idea that when you reached 100 days of school, it was a holiday and you had a ...Read More

The Question Mark Jar

FOUND: Small toys, too numerous to count. Legos. Playmobil swords. Assorted game pieces. Chapstick. Favors from kids’ birthday parties. A deflated balloon. A tiger-shaped container filled with bubbles. An infant’s teething ring. A pirate pacifier. Erasers. Hair ribbons. Rubber bands. Green oval glass pieces ...Read More